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.NET Programmer, Full Stack   Knowledgeone Corporation   North Sydney NSW, Sydney, Australia

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3 years - 6 years



Salary commensurate with qualifications & experience

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Fri Dec 04, 2020
Posted Date


Thu Nov 05, 2020

Job Summary

Experienced .NET C#, VB.NET, JavaScript programmer to work on challenging projects in Enterprise Content Management applications.

Job Description

We are looking for an experienced .NET programmer to join our R&D team in North Sydney. As a member of our team, you will be required to work on multiple challenging products throughout their full development life cycle. We develop using Visual Development Studio and we are a VB, C# & SQL Server shop.

Skills Required:

  • .NET Programming, C# or VB.NET

  • Programming with SQL Server (now working with v2019)

  • Experience with most of the following: .NET Framework, ASP.NET, AJAX, LINQ, Threading, Web Services, JavaScript, IIS, HTML5, MS Office Add-in development

For this role, you MUST:

  • Have relevant experience working on complex .NET applications.

  • Be able to produce stable, well-tested code.

  • Enjoy programming and solving complex problems.

  • Have enthusiasm, a positive attitude and great problem-solving ability.

  • Take great pride in your work and be able to commit to making deadlines.

  • Have strong communication skills (verbal and written) and an excellent command of English to be able to play a part in our consultative design and specification process.

  • Aspire to be at the top of your profession.


