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Administrative Assistant   9D Care   Melbourne VIC, Melbourne, Australia

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1 year - 3 years

Job Type :



Job category


Administration/Office Support, Other

Apply before :


Mon Apr 19, 2021
Posted Date


Tue Apr 06, 2021

Job Summary

From $19.84 per hour
No Particular education required
Flexible working hours
Exceptional communication skills
Excellent time management skills

Job Description

About the role:

9D Care are now looking to recruit a Administrative Assistant to help create awareness in the community about all sorts of help that is available in the disability sector throughout the Melbourne area.

Responsibilities include:

  • High on networking and communication skills

  • Should be energetic and enthusiastic.

  • should be able to deliver business to people at large.

  • To motivate and inspire our clients, assisting them to not only define their career goals but also to achieve them.

  • Assertive

  • Have a network of people that they know in their community

  • Knowledge of NDIS (preferred)

  • Speaks Chinese, Vietnamese and Samoan (Preferred)

We are looking for an applicant with exceptional communication skills and the ability to deal with a diverse range of people.

You will ideally have a proven ability to work for targets (Although not necessary)

We require some flexibility with respect to travelling to multiple sites if required as well as excellent time management skills.

We need an applicant who is self motivated, driven to succeed and prepared to work with a Team who are dedicated to provide services to our clients that are second to none.

We offer good incentives and also base salary after reaching certain expectation for the company, professional development opportunities and the chance to work with a company that has strong values, infectious energy and knows how to look after their Team!

Make sure you don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Required Experience, Skills and Qualifications

No Particular education required, This job is giving you flexibility in terms of working hours.

About Us:

9D Care offers a range of supports and assistance to a variety of local residents, including help at home, social inclusion and community participation. We are looking for people who can provide practical and emotional help to others, calling on their own real-life experiences to build rapport and relationships. Your support will enable our clients to remain living independently and comfortably in their own homes, throughout the Victoria Region.


