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MC/HC Driver/Yard Hand/Forklift   C21 Services PL   Moorebank Sydney NSW, Sydney, Australia

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1 year - 3 years

Job Type :



Job category


Other, Manufacturing/Transportation/Warehousing

Apply before :


Wed Sep 29, 2021
Posted Date


Tue Aug 31, 2021

Job Summary

MC or HC licence
Forklift licence
Fit and healthy

Job Description

We have a vacancy for a casual MC or HC Driver who will also be working as a Yard Hand.  A forklift licence is essential.


We are an interstate and local transport company with a large fleet of prime movers and B-double trailer combinations, well equipped workshops and cold storage facilities.  We focus on quality control, being on time, best industry practice and one-to-one communications with clients. Satellite tracking enables key such as travel time and temperature. Our daily services include Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane.


The successful applicant will be joining our friendly team to as we fulfill orders and move stock in and out of our refrigerated trucks and be part of the refrigerated deliveries.  Some heavy lifting. Four to six days per week.


  • MC or HC licence

  • Forklift licence

  • Fit and healthy

  • Resident in Sydney NSW

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.  Thank you for your application.


